Casper, a Great Pyrenees, showed up on Arnie and
Betty’s ranch several years ago. The Great Pyrenees is a common livestock
guardian breed in the West, particularly for protecting sheep. But no sheep
live near the ranch, so Casper’s origins are a mystery. He was terrified of men
with grey hair and cowboy hats who smoked cigarettes, so they figured he must
have run away from someone like that.
Casper is a gentle soul who loves people, especially
children. Casper operates under the assumption that prevention is the best method
of protecting the ranch, so he spends much of the night barking to warn potential
predators to stay away. His deep, loud WOOF,
WOOF might discourage coyotes but, I’m
told, can also deter sleep!
Addie and Casper holding Mo; Dane holding Minnie |
“For you
were going astray like [so many] sheep, but now you have come back to the
Shepherd and Guardian (the Bishop) of your souls.” –1 PETER
2:25 (AMP)
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