Monday, August 12, 2013

Pasture Pets

After being gone for nearly three months, I was so glad that the cows hadn’t forgotten me. Annabelle, my very favorite, won’t have anything to do with strangers, but she came up to see me and nuzzle my hand shortly after my arrival. The next day, I needed the herd to come in through a gate I’d just opened. Princess, another favorite, came when I called her and led the others through the gate. I was so honored.

The calves have quadrupled in size. When they’re not eating, they’re napping. I notice that Glory, the youngest heifer, is still pretty feisty though. One early morning, I saw her chasing a cottontail in categorical Glory spirit: tail up, heels kicking, nose bobbing!

Even though I’m tired and sore from irrigating and weeding, I’m very thankful to be home with my cows!

“But neither exile nor homecoming is the main thing. Cheerfully pleasing God is the main thing, and that’s what we aim to do, regardless of our conditions.” –2 CORINTHIANS 5:9 (MSG)

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