According to historians, the Indian paintbrush
barely made it to Wyoming state- flowerhood. When the Indian paintbrush was
nominated nearly a century ago, legislators, botanists, school children, and
the Daughters of the American Revolution debated the merits of the
controversial wildflower.
It seems that, while undeniably lovely, Castilleja linariaefolia was hemiparasitic (partially living off the roots
of other plants) and, as such, tricky to propagate or transplant. In addition,
the Indian paintbrush sported too many difficult-to-distinguish varieties and
was less prevalent than its closest runner-up, the fringed gentian. The record
is unclear as to which political party was pro-paintbrush and anti-gentian.
After its defeat in 1916, the fringed gentian
apparently forsook Wyoming for more politically welcoming states. According to
the USDA PLANTS Profile, the fringed gentian grows in many northern and eastern
states, but not Wyoming!
“You ripped
off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers.” –PSALM 30:11
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