Wednesday, September 12, 2012


“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” said my grandpa Pete while munching some cookies that Jenny and I had baked. I don’t know if Pete truly believed that or if he just wanted to inspire my sister and me, who were in our early teens, to keep perfecting our craft. After all, Pete had more to gain from our baking practice than any prospective boyfriends, since none were even on the distant horizon!

Grandma and Pete would have loved to visit us here, as they loved quiet country living with its scenery, birds, animals, and garden. I can just picture them now: Pete sitting in the back yard, watching the birds and cows, telling jokes and stories about people we don’t even know; Grandma bustling about the kitchen cooking up some delectable meal which, hopefully, would include my very favorite angel food cake with 7-minute frosting.

They’d really get a kick out of watching our spoiled cows come running when I call. We’re done with the sweet corn, so I’m gradually doling out the stalks and small ears. Judging by their enthusiastic chomping, sweet corn must be the bovine equivalent of angel food cake with 7-minute frosting. “The way to a cow’s heart,” Pete would probably quip, “is through her stomach.”
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”                 –PSALM 37:4

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