Thursday, May 31, 2012


“Be sure to take time to stop and smell the roses,” Dad reminded me. He thinks I work too hard and don’t take enough time for myself.

Maybe he’s right. I have 28 rose bushes in my yard, but I truly don’t know which are fragrant and which aren’t. When I water the roses, I pull the weeds around them while thinking about how I’m going to manage to get all my other to-do’s done.

Rose-sniffing doesn’t come naturally to overachievers like me. We tend to judge the value of an activity by the following criteria: Does this activity accomplish anything? What will I have to show for it to prove that it isn’t a waste of time?

Somewhere along the line, I must have bought into the lie that achievement equals self-worth, for why else would I feel guilty for taking a few moments out of my schedule to linger over a rose?

Good question.

“I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” –Words of Jesus, JOHN 10:10

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