planted the garden this weekend. It’s been a warmer-than-normal spring, so
maybe we should have planted weeks ago like several neighbors did. On the other
hand, we’ve had some frosts here and there, so perhaps we planted too soon. And
I don’t have a Farmer’s Almanac, so I don’t know if the moon was right for
sowing. There’s probably an ap for that, but my phone doesn’t do aps. It’s a
military phone that will survive irrigation water and impacts of all kind, so I
like it. I’m such a hayseed.
perennials and self-sowing annuals are making good progress in the flower beds,
but I’m planting some zinnias here and there anyway. Zinnias must be
out-of-fashion because I had trouble finding any in the bedding plant aisles,
but I say, zinnia’s long-lasting, vivid colors are hard to top. Come to think
of it, I’ve never heard zinnias mentioned in poetry or song—maybe because
nothing much rhymes with “zinnia”--nor have I seen them on china or fabric, so they
must be considered terribly un-posh. Hayseed flowers, I guess!
roses are just now beginning to bloom, so I’ve put in my deer repellers, which
look like little flying saucers on sticks but are filled with blood meal and
stuff that deer find distasteful. They’re not cheap, but cages and nets are so
ugly. I almost tried some cheaper deer repellent that’s sprinkled around the
plants, until I read the main ingredient: coyote urine. I’m not opposed to
coyote urine, but our male cowdog, Bodie, would be compelled to cover the stuff
with his own, much of which would
probably kill the roses. Bodie’s a hayseed just like me!
“In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the
Word, making a salvation-garden
of your life.” --JAMES 1:21
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