Monday, March 4, 2013


Trooper’s legs and lungs are much stronger, and he’s growing like a weed. No casual onlooker would ever guess the ordeal that he went through a week ago.  He’s ready to join the other pairs. But there’s just one problem: the other mamas.

First of all, Cupcake’s calf, Dazzle, has a blaze face. Every time that Cupcake sees Blossom with the blaze-faced Trooper, she bawls in anger, thinking that Blossom has stolen her calf. Dazzle is considerably smaller and a heifer to boot, but Cupcake jumps to conclusions before assessing the facts! Hubby had to break up a fight between the two mama cows.

Yesterday, Hubby tried to put Blossom and Trooper in with Flame and Liza because we thought Flame was more rational and easy-going than Cupcake. Wrong! Flame lit into Blossom like an Angus bull lights into a rival, which is quite violent. Hubby sprang to rescue Trooper from the fray and get him into the barn, but both the fighting cows followed him inside! Fortunately, Bodie heard the commotion and sped down to the barn. He bit Flame in the nose, sending her outside and saving the day.

Hubby thinks the other cows are jealous of Blossom because she, by virtue of Trooper’s fight for life and subsequent recovery, has been getting all the attention and perks. I don’t know, nor do I know how to restore peace to our formerly tranquil barnyard. But I do know that all this drama reminds me of the 6th grade!



“But the wisdom from above is….peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” –JAMES 3:17-18 (NLT)

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