Tuesday, August 28, 2012


In the past few weeks, I’ve driven several Wyoming highways and byways. With the exception of some fields that could be irrigated, the occasional tree or forest, and a few mountain meadows, the color green is notably absent from the sun-baked landscape. I feel sorry for the tourists who have come so far to see our pristine Rocky Mountain scenery, only to have their view (and photos) spoiled by this summer’s gingery-gray haze of wildfire smoke.

Some ranchers have weaned their calves early, as there’s so little grass for the cows. Others have brought their cattle home from barren summer pastures and turned them into hay meadows which are normally saved for winter grazing. Due to a shortage of hay in many drought-ridden areas, the price of that precious commodity has soared, forcing some ranchers to reduce or disperse their herds, or else purchase expensive hay that will eat up their profits.

Indeed, over half of our nation’s farmers and ranchers are affected by this year’s heat and drought, as are many of those whose jobs are dependent on agriculture. Food prices are expected to spike.

The dearth of rainfall, however, is neither as widespread nor as devastating as a drought of the soul. One doesn’t have to look far—perhaps only the mirror--to find people with parched hearts and dried-up dreams trying to quench their soul thirst with liquor, drugs, sex, food, fortune, recognition, power, success, or any number of activities and acquisitions. But, as anyone in the been-there, done-that club can attest (including yours truly), this stuff is like the “showers” we’ve had this summer: a few sprinkles of raindrops, barely enough to settle the dust.

In a drought? Thirsting for acceptance, value, significance, purpose? Yearning for hope, joy, love, peace? Tell Jesus so. Then get out your umbrella because rain is surely coming!

“Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst - not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life. I give freely to the thirsty. "Words of Jesus, JOHN 4:14, REVELATION 21:6





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