Monday, August 6, 2012

More of Her Kind

The other day, I came across a short article about a relatively new breed of mini-cattle, the Panda, many of which descend from a panda bear look-alike named Precious. We have our own Panda, though she’s hardly a miniature. At present, she weighs about a thousand pounds as a yearling. (This photo of her was taken last spring. I have no recent photos because my camera sustained life-threatening injuries when it bounced down some steps.)


I’m not thinking of starting a new line of full-size Panda cattle; however, I’m seriously considering developing a new breed of Annabelles.

I adore our yearling black baldy, Annabelle. If there was a beauty pageant for cows, I’d enter her. I’m quite sure that she’d relish every bit of primping and attention. Annabelle so naturally exudes confidence, class, and congeniality that she’d be sure to win the sash and roses.

Annabelle cut her pastern yesterday. Those of you who have ever worked with cattle would appreciate this: Annabelle stood motionless while we cleaned out the cut with a hose. She lets me come up to her to spray medicine on the leg, even when out in the pasture. No, she wasn’t a bucket calf (orphan); she’s was raised by the same people that the other heifers were.

While scratching Annabelle’s back, I told her that, in her long and productive lifetime, she is only to produce heifers, who in turn are only to produce heifers. In the meantime, I’d better get to looking for a handsome bull with the same gentle disposition as Annabelle. It might take a while!


“God’s wisdom…is characterized by getting along with others....gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings….” JAMES 3:17

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