Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Black-and-White Sunshine

We haven't had the coldest or snowiest of winters, but it must be the dreariest. I can't remember so many cloudy December and January days! For various reasons, I've spent much of the season struggling with anxious, gloomy thoughts that seem to match the gray skies.

Providentially, a certain little ray of sunshine has helped brighten every dismal day and dark night: Ellie. If you haven't met Ells yet, she's our sweet and irrepressible...

...goat wrangler...

...ruthless stalker of neighborhood cottontails...


...stealer of favorite chairs (as well as mittens, socks, boots, eyeglasses, garbage, eye ointment, cash, hats, pillows, blankets, laundry--pretty much anything that isn't nailed down or locked up)...

...bossy workout coach...

and tumbleweed tamer.


"He's the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence." ~Psalm 91:2 TPT


"Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow." ~Philip Gulley

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