Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Break from Winter

Snow on the ground, snow in the sky, snow in the forecast. If you can relate, I hope you'll be cheered by these warmer scenes captured by my talented twin sister's paintbrush. (See more at Horses Out West Studio

By the way, I hope you folks are keeping your New Year's resolutions better than I am. I actually wrote down ten resolutions for 2018, one of which was to post on this blog twice a week. 

Yes, well. 

I'll spare you the whys and wherefores and alibis, most of which would sound suspiciously like excuses. I hereby re-resolve to show up here twice a week!


"He's the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence." ~
Psalm 91:2 TPT


  1. Love that verse! And the paintings. I have been thinking about summer almost every day...

    1. Right now, flies and mosquitoes and sweat running down one's face don't seem THAT bad.
