Monday, April 28, 2014


Terms like “going green” and “sustainability” and even “recycling” are relatively new, but the concept has been around for millennia. Ever since the first domestic cow ate her first bite of green grass, “cow-cycling” has continued, without end.

If you've always lived far removed from cows and aren’t able to visualize the process, well, today is your lucky day!

Grass and alfalfa grow and are eaten by cows...

...Who digest the feed, converting it into energy, calves, milk, meat and...

 ...Manure, which is eventually composted and gathered by a farmer...

...Who spreads it on his fields, where bacteria, fungi, and worms further break it down...

...So nitrates, phosphorus, potassium and other elements nourish the pasture. And the cycle continues....
“Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” –MATTHEW 11:29 (MSG)

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