I’ve been spring cleaning—not our windows or closets, though they’re in dire need—but the flower beds. Most of last year’s beauty is this year’s trash and must be cleared out, trimmed, or, in the case of my darling roses, pruned. Dandelions, grass, various mustards, and white campion have to be dug out without harming the desirables that have made an early appearance: sage, tickseed, poppies, violas, hollyhocks, coneflowers, and blue flax.
As I wrench all those obnoxiously deep-rooted weeds from the earth, I try not to look ahead of me at what seems like acres left to be worked! If I do, I can slip into anxiety (how will I ever finish all this, on top of all the other chores?) and flower bed remorse (what was I thinking when I put in all these?). Instead, I try to envision the bright blooms that will soon be flourishing here, there, and everywhere. After all, there is no such thing as too many flowers!
Apparently I’m not in gardening shape yet; my hands and back are stiff and sore—but not sore enough to keep me from drooling over the pictures in the gardening catalog that just came in the mail!
The Sovereign LORD will show his justice to the nations of the world.
Everyone will praise Him!
His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring,
with plants springing up everywhere. ISAIAH 61:11
Everyone will praise Him!
His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring,
with plants springing up everywhere. ISAIAH 61:11