Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Fairy Tale, Wyoming-Style

Flowers around here have been understandably reluctant to show their faces. Maybe they suspected that spring was actually winter masquerading as spring, a seasonal version of Little Red Riding Hood. 

LITTLE PINK INDIAN PAINTBRUSH: (shivering) My, Grandmother Spring, what snowy weather you have! 
BIG BAD WINTER: (wearing Grandmother Spring's old yellow slicker and new fuchsia-and-chartreuse plaid rain boots) Ah, the better to water you with, my dear. 
LITTLE PINK INDIAN PAINTBRUSH: But, Grandmother, what bitter winds you have! Don't you have any sunshine for me?
BIG BAD WINTER: (mutters under his breath) Well, aren't you the little whiner today? (raises his voice) Come closer, dearie, and let Grandmother give you a big frosty hug!
LITTLE PINK INDIAN PAINTBRUSH: (gasps) You're not Grandmother Spring! She's beautiful and kind, and you're ugly and mean! (dives back into the safety of Mother Earth)


"Hee that is in a towne in May loseth his spring." ~George Herbert

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