Monday, September 11, 2017

Dots in the Distance

During August and September, the Rocky Mountains may as well be the Great Smoky Mountains. Because of wildfire smoke from neighboring states, particularly Montana, we haven't seen the mountains for some time. I'm not complaining; after all, Wyoming isn't burning, flooding, or blowing away like some states. Still, I feel sorry for tourists who have traveled from afar to see our beautiful skylines which, at present, can't be seen. 

Attention, tourists: the beauty remains, but you may have to squint. For instance, if you're driving through northwest Wyoming and see a few dark dots in the hazy distance, you may want to pull over and get out your binoculars. The dots generally manifest as cows but occasionally as wild horses. 

Squint. Squint harder.

You may have to get a magnifying lens or enlarge the picture (sorry, my phone camera doesn't zoom), but there they are--seven wild horses. A bay stallion (left) led two mares, along with their colts and an older gray horse, away from us at a gallop. The wild horses along Fifteenmile Road (near Worland) are less photographed and much warier than the McCullough Peaks mustangs.

These two McCullough Peaks bachelors saw us but didn't run away. We probably could have gotten closer, but folks are supposed to keep 300 yards from the horses, so as not to disturb them. (But one delightfully surprising day, an entire herd approached our vehicle--within three feet--and hung out with us for half an hour. We weren't disturbed at all.)

"But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul." ~Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV

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