I write this, little Penelope, a 3-week old Angus heifer, is racing around the
back pasture. Calves usually do most of their playing near dusk, but today is a
cool 71°, compared to several days of high 90’s. Perhaps Penelope had so many
naps in the shade of the cottonwoods that she got over-rested and needs to vent
some excess energy! Of course, few things are more gratifying to cowfolks than
seeing fat, shiny calves frisking about a green pasture.
been doing a bit of frisking myself . A year and a half ago, I hurt my
knee twice within a week doing ranch jobs, and I ended up on crutches for a
while, hurting the other knee in the process. They gradually healed enough for
me to go for walks, for which I was very grateful, but I still had lots of
soreness sometimes. I doubted that I’d ever being able to run again.
bothered me that, although I’d stood on the promises of healing in the Bible,
and others had prayed for my knees, I’d only been partially healed. One morning
on my walk, I said this prayer: “Jesus, I believe the scripture that says, ‘By His stripes you are healed.’ I thank
You that I can walk again, but why can’t I run? Is it that I don’t have enough
answer. But every now and then when on my morning walk, I’d have this thought: Just run. I ignored it; my knees were
too stiff and sore to run, and besides, I didn’t dare make them worse. Weeks,
maybe a month, went by with no change.
One evening, I found myself waiting on Hubby in town with nothing to do,
so I went for a walk. It was drizzling on and off, but I had a raincoat, and
the air was refreshing after our long dry spell. I headed down a road out of
town. Before long, the drizzle turned to serious rain; my jeans got so wet that
I began to get chilled. A smarter person would have turned back, but I
didn’t. A big hill lay a mile ahead, and I decided to throw caution to the wind
and run up it to get warm. I did exactly that and have been running every other
day since!
time I run, my knees feel stronger and move more freely. I’m shy and quiet by
nature, but I feel like jumping, shouting, and telling the whole world that the
Word of God is true and wondrously powerful!
for you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in
his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let
out to pasture.” --MALACHI 4:2
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