Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October Shining

October must be one of the most photographed and painted months of the year, and, indeed, it’s a month worth bragging about. In our little corner of Wyoming, October sets the gold standard for weather—not too hot, cold or windy—and, of course, the color gold. Gold seems to glow from nearly all of October’s best gifts:

·         The brilliant golden marigolds, black-eyed Susans, and calendulas still blooming bravely, even though the mountains in the distance are covered with snow.

·         The tawny Yukon gold potatoes that we’re digging from the garden. (We’ve got lots—want some?)

·         The honey gold haystacks concealing their green treasure troves of protein-laden, nutrient-rich alfalfa.

·         The golden orange of the buttercup squash and carrots that we’re squirreling away; added to all the sweet corn in the freezer, we’re pretty much fixed for vitamin A this winter.

·         The lemon-gold pears, my favorite fall fruit, which was not picked from our pear tree, but, hey, maybe next year.

·         The glorious shades of gold in the cottonwood, willow, and quaking aspen leaves.

·         Last but not least: the vibrant gold-and-navy of the Montana State University Bobcats, who, by the way, are having a stellar football season thus far!

Even the October sunlight seems to have a golden cast as it glistens off the early morning frosts or the shiny new winter coats of the horses and cows.

Gold-the-mineral seems to be worth a lot these days as our American dollar is singing the blues. Hubby and I don’t have any gold bars or bullion, but we are rich in carotenes, xanthophylls, Bobcat sweatshirts, and touchdowns!

“For God Who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts….”                                          (2 Corinthians 4:6 AMP)

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