Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Presenting the 2017 MPP

Meels isn't a head of state or a household name. She's never scored a touchdown or starred in a commercial. She hasn't won a medal or even a ribbon at the fair. She has a registration certificate (with the American Dairy Goat Association) but no sponsors, no diploma, no tiara, no autobiography on the New York Times bestseller list. 

But--drum roll and simultaneous cymbal clash please--Meels has just been named the 2017 MPP (Most Productive Person) of our outfit. The judges chose her over several outstanding bovine candidates because she has so much to show for her hard work.

Meels has earned every bite of her hay, oats, branches, and occasional treat of popcorn, crackers, or Cheerios.

She raised three kids this summer: Waylon, Seeley, and Willie...

...each of whom are now raising two-legged kids.

Hubby milked Meels from August to December. Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat milk is sweet, thick, and creamy. It makes great butter, coffee creamer, and puppy food supplement. 

Two freezers bulge with frozen goat milk (some is Jubilee's but most is Meels') which I use to make soap. I'm just a novice soapmaker, but by the time I've used all that milk, I should be much better!

Three generations snuggle in their shed. Meels is flanked by two of her daughters; her granddaughter is in the rear.


"For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure." ~Philippians 2:13 Amplified Bible

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Kind of a Manger Scene

It's Christmas Eve, and I have yet to think up a fun and farmy Christmas picture for you! Sorry about that. In past years, I've dressed the poor goaties in ugly holiday sweaters or Santa hats. Once I bribed the horses to pose by a wreath, which couldn't have looked any more contrived. 

I did manage to grab a few shots of some locals eating breakfast in the snow. I wanted to take more, but my fingers were beginning to freeze without my beloved wool mittens. (These were taken yesterday. When we went out to do morning chores today, the thermometer read -17°F. I kept my mittens on.)

Sugar and Solomon have a dry barn but rarely spend time in it.

Ariel's mama, the late Blueberry, detested cold and snow. Ariel doesn't seem to mind it.

Apricot and Daffodil eat more breakfast (and lunch and supper) than the other weanling heifers. Obviously.


"Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world." C.S. Lewis

Saturday, December 16, 2017


December looks like December at last. Snow started falling this morning and, according to forecast, won't stop until tomorrow. Too much snow and we'll have to start feeding hay to the cows, but a little white stuff sure is pretty!

I'm not certain how much Princess is excited for this, her thirteenth winter.

It's Ellie's first winter and second snow. She played until she was sopping wet but still didn't want to come indoors.

The horses bucked, reared, and raced around in the snow but were happy to eat their supper inside the barn.


"I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December,
A magical thing,
And sweet to remember:
'We are nearer to spring
Than we were in September.'"
     ~Oliver Herford, "Hope," in The Century Magazine, January 1914

Friday, December 8, 2017

In the Wide-Open

What Wyoming lacks in trees and population, it more than makes up for in sky.

On our run, Hubby and I scanned the hills for wild horses--only saw tracks this time--but the dogs hunted for antelope and rabbits.

Ellie's grown a lot, but the big country made her look tiny. (Hmm, I probably should have posed for a photo here.)

From this hill, we could see the Big Horn, Absaroka, Owl Creek, and Bridger mountain ranges. 


"Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. " ~Matthew 6:22 The Message